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Internet Banking

Guidelines for Selecting Passwords
These guidelines make it more difficult for someone to guess or "hack" your password.
Your password...

• Must be at least 8 characters but not more than 17 characters
• Must be a combination of numbers, letters, and special characters. Special characters include $, !, *, &, @, #, ^
•  Must contain at least 3 alpha ("a, b, c,"), 2 numeric, and 1 special character.
•  Is case sensitive. So "gary123@" is NOT the same as "Gary123@"

Examples of proper passwords:

Examples of improper passwords:
Bob (too short, no numbers, no special characters)
SoxFan2 (at least two numbers required, at least one special character required)
DG1998& (at least three alpha characters required)

We suggest that you select a user password before you first login to the new system. If you forget your password or get locked out after 3 tries, don't worry. Simply call us to unlock your account. Remember, these more complex passwords are being implemented to help protect your account.

Bill Pay Customers
If you are currently using our Internet Banking service and would like to use Online Bill Pay as well, please contact us via e-mail at: bank@fnbb.com

Zelle person-to-person payment is available in Internet Banking. Just log into Internet Banking from our home page, click the Bill Payment tab and look for Send Money with Zelle.

Vendor Information
In order to ensure accuracy, please double-check your vendor information (people you pay bills to). This information includes vendor names, addresses, account numbers, etc. You may correct any discrepancies through the interface.

You may add new vendors at any time. The system allows you to pay anyone. For instance, you will be able to use this system to send money for any occasion to a friend or relative. They will receive a check through standard mail.

Recurring Bills
For bills you pay on a recurring basis, such as once a month, you will need to enter the dates on which you would like to pay these bills. you may adjust this at any time.

First National Bank of Brookfield
9136 Washington Avenue
Brookfield, IL 60513

Phone: 708-485-2770
Fax: 708-485-2815
Bank by Phone (Telebanc): 1-877-445-5551
E-mail: Bank@FNBB.com

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